Get Access to the Exact System we us to bring customers into Restaurants Every Day on Auto-Pilot
"Stop Sending me Customers...We are Flat Out"
Last Wednesday one of our Restaurant clients sent us this message, they were fully booked and asked us to turn off the system we created to bring customers into restaurants every day on auto-pilot !!! .,,
.....of course we didn't turn it off we simply focused on filling the restaurant for the following week!

Our Clients Pay thousands..we are making available free for a limited time
Our restaurant clients pay us thousands every year for the ideas and technology we provide because it makes them money everyday... they used our platform to get through the shutdown and are now using our systems to relaunch and recover.
Developed out of Crises
.. We started working with of our top-performing clients in the last Financial Crises, so we know what to do when things get tough.
You can get a free video walkthrough of how our system delivers customer everyday on autopilot by entering your details.
Enter Your Details to Get Access

18 Money Making Strategies to Help you Get Back on Your Feet For Free
Every week we will release one Revenue Creating Strategy, .. Starting with the Fastest and Easier to get Working...Each Strategy has been proven to work in real Irish restaurants.. Watch the Video, Put the Ideas into Practice..Increase Your Revenue

Get Customers to Come Back

Maximise Bookings from your Website

Get Customers from Social Media

Use Email to Pull Customers In

Show up First on Google Maps

Build a Customer Database

Get More Visitors to your Website

Use 'Surprise' to build to Turn Customers in Champtions

Using Pricing Options to Increase Revenue Fast

Discount Hurdling.. How to Make offers that generat Profit

Create Your Own PR

Use Videos to increase website booking

Use a customer journey to pinpoint opportunities

Get feedback to create and activate loyalty profits

Market to you 3 customer types to maximise

Carve out your Place in your Customer Mind

Create your Own Events

Break the Constraints of the restaurant
Register Here to Get Free Acces... Limited Availability
We Put The Restaurant Owner Back in Control
Get More Sales from Your Website
Most people who visit your website are not coming to book, in facts research shows on average 73% of people who visit a website do not intend to take action.
This means that most Restaurant websites are losing a lot of potential sales. Many of the people who visit a restaurant website are just checking it out, they may be researching a restaurant for another time, having a look at the menu because of a review or recommendation or just come across it through browsing.
Increasing the bookings from these visitors will have a dramatic on your restaurant's revenue
In the section we will outline one simple approach we used to add €140k+ per year to a number of restaurants.
More Repeat Business
Customer loyalty and repeat visits are the foundations of a successful and profitable restaurant, many restaurants simply assume if they provide the customers with a positive experience they will become loyal, this is very far from reality, as research shows it takes a minimum of 3 positive experiences before a customers start. to develop loyalty. We have strategies for engineering customer loyalty
More Customers on Off Peak Periods
There is rhythm is a rhythm that many restaurants settle for. They hope for a busy weekend and accept quieter early and midweeks. But that doesn't have to be the case, we have developed approaches to using quieter periods to increasing revenue, building customer loyalty and using the off-peak days as opportunities to grow.
Restaurant Profit Machine
Click Below to Watch The Case Study Video
What Our Clients Say
All Our Clients Have experienced Significant Increases in Turnover, Profit and Trip Advisor Ranking
The R.P.M system has been transformational for us.
They were the only guys to actually show us what to do.
"Changed Everything"
" Before we worked with RPM we operated from day to day, now we are booked out Weeks in advance
The approach is at the heart of everything we do and a core reason we went from 147 on Tripadvisor to the Top”
"This Works!"
The Restaurant Profit machine is at the heart of our restaurant.
It Works! It put us back in control, Bringing us from 35 on Tripadvisor in Malahide to top 3.
Bring Customers Back Fast!
Generating Repeat Business from Past customer is Critical to Business Success. Our unique approach bring customer back Fast! With their Friend!
Word of Mouth and Social Media are the most powerful ways to attract new customers. Our proprietary strategies connect with your customer's network to attract new customers.
Increase 5 Star Trip Advisor Reviews
High Trip Advisor rankings bring you floods of new customers for free. Our Proven Approach to ethically increasing 5 Star Trip Advisor Reviews changes the game.
Key Features
Customer Enrollment System
A unique approach to building a customer database which allows you generate repeat business on demand.
Boomerang Customers
Automatically Attracts customers back to your restaurant fast.
Auto-Pilot system which Stay in touch with customers using specially designed and proven promotions to encourage them to return with friends -
Customer Reach
Connect With Your Customers When You Want !

Trip Advisor Velocity Vector
Trip Advisor Rankings are crucial to Attracting new customers. We help you get to the Top.
Boomerang Intelligence
Get Inside your customers head and tailor your restaurant to their needs.
Proven Profit Boosters
Research-based customer invites which consistently generate repeat business.
A Unique Competitive Advantage for the Right Restaurant
The Restaurant Profit Machine originated as an MBA Research Project and is the Results of 3-year research project working in the Trenches with a selected group of restaurant owners.
The system creates such a strong competitive advantage that availability is limited within areas.
Membership of the Restaurant Boomerang Community is by invite only. If you would like to find out more then simply register below.
Get in Touch
Ask a Question
If you have a query about how you could simply ask and will get back you
Request and Information Call
If you would like to chat to us about how we could help you grow your restaurant, simply enter your details and we will get in touch
Request an Opportunity Assessment
Tell us about your business and we will asses the opportunities available for you.